dental implant" alt="">

Implants are one of the most common options for replacing one tooth or multiple teeth when combined with bridgework or dentures. Dental implants are preferred to other tooth replacement solutions because they are more secure and stable, offering the same level of comfort as your natural teeth. This reason is why so many find the …

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Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth, using a series of custom-made, nearly undetectable aligners. Why use Invisalign? Whether your teeth are crowded, too far apart or have shifted, Invisalign may be right for you. It is an excellent choice for treating crooked teeth mainly because of its flexible plastic composition that provides unparalleled …

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dental cleaning" alt="">

Studies show that as many as 90% of adults experience some form of periodontal disease at one point in their lives. Gum disease is caused by the unchecked build-up of bacteria in your mouth. In severe cases, the bacteria can get into your bloodstream and make its way to various body tissues and exacerbates diabetes, …

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teeth whitening" alt="">

Considering that teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, it’s usually not covered by dental insurance. So if you’re planning to schedule the procedure, then you will likely need to pay out-of-pocket. The cost of teeth whitening depends on several factors, including: Maintaining Your Smile In addition to the cost of treatment, you should also consider the …

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general dentistry" alt="">

If you’ve been putting off going for an appointment, now is the time to take action and take care of your oral health. If you are looking for a professional and gentle dentist, consider our office.  Dentistry – Regular Visits Every 6 Months Dentistry is an important part of your overall health. Every six months, …

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dental cleaning" alt="">

Dental exams and cleaning are absolutely important and they help determine the status of your oral health. Since your oral health is connected to your overall health, regular dental exams and cleaning help you stay healthy. Find a dentist near you and schedule your first visit. The benefits of dental exams and cleaning include; What …

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teeth whitening" alt="">

White teeth are associated with beauty, increased confidence, and a healthy lifestyle. However, smoking and chewing tobacco, drinking black tea or coffee and wine, using medications such as tetracycline, swallowing too much fluoride, and aging can cause your teeth to become stained. Teeth whitening or bleaching involves the use of simple and non-invasive treatments designed …

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teeth whitening" alt="">

Proper brushing and flossing every day can help to keep your smile bright and breath fresh. Factors such as aging, consuming colored foods and drinks, and lifestyle habits such as chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause your teeth to discolor and get darker.  Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening to help improve …

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Everybody desires a beautiful smile. This not only refers to having the perfect shape and size of teeth that makes your smile appear beautiful and healthy, but also the color. If you’re planning to bleach your teeth, then you need to choose from a range of tooth whitening options that include: Professionally applied bleaching – …

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dental crowns" alt="">

Crowns are one of the most popular restorative and cosmetic treatments in dentistry. They provide a strong and durable cap that holds together a tooth that has been severely damaged and weakened by trauma or decay, helping to save a tooth that may otherwise have been extracted.  Other benefits of tooth crowns include: Prevent Tooth …

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